Membership to CARMA must be acquired either through the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) or Canadian Geotechnical Society (CGS). Members of the CGS that select Rock Mechanics as their primary discipline will automatically become members of CARMA and the the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM). Members of CIM that choose as a sub-discipline the Society for Rock Engineering, and pay an additional fee, will become members of CARMA and ISRM. CARMA members receive all the benefits of their parent organizations (CGS or CIM) as well as resources available to ISRM members.
CARMA Constitution June 2023 (Printable pdf)
Previous Version:
CARMA Constitution Amendment November 2011 (Printable pdf)
For more information:
New Young Professional Position on CARMA Executive Committee
The CARMA Executive Committee has created a new Young Professional position on the Executive Committee! We hope this position will contribute to active growth of CARMA’s activities and membership.
We seek applications from CARMA members to fill this two-year volunteer position, who will be less than 35 years of age as of August 1, 2024.
The role will involve attending approximately 6 Executive Committee meetings per year, chairing and/or participating in subcommittees, and generally contributing to CARMA activities. More details about the position are available in the Constitution document on the CARMA website.
Please submit your application by July 15, 2023, to, including (1) a maximum 2 page cover letter discussing your interest in the role and ideas for new initiatives, and (2) your resumé/CV highlighting your involvement with rock mechanics and/or rock engineering. Your resumé/CV must state your membership number with the Canadian Geotechnical Society and/or Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.
Thank you!